From Compensation to Rehabilitation – A Social Review on Employees’ Compensation Insurance System in Hong Kong

Work-related accidents, injuries and deaths impose significant burden not only on economy but also society in Hong Kong. The loss in human capital is huge but is likely overlooked. A prolonged leave from work may also influence the well-being of injured workers and their social interaction with family members and friends. In Hong Kong, there is a lack of policy for encouraging injured workers to return to work. Effective measures are required to improve the process of employees’ compensation (EC) and facilitate early return-to-work of injured individuals.
The aim of this project is to provide a social assessment of work-related injury and death in Hong Kong, so that decision makers can have a thorough understandingcharacteristics of work-related injury and its barrier in Hong Kong, and efficient measures can be formulated to prevent work injury and reduce its economic burden and psychological pain to the workers and their family members in Hong Kong.
The EC system involves a lot of stakeholders, and each of them has its own agenda. This proposed study could inform a holistic picture and current practice of EC and the associated barriers and obstacles. It is important to achieve a thorough understanding on the current situation to all stakeholders. The optimization of EC system requires collaboration and compromise of all parties. The study could serve as the first move in Hong Kong.
The full report of the project in English is available here.
Professor Paul Yip
November 2014 - July 2015