KidMatters – A Web and School-based Approach to Mental Health Promotion Among Children in Primary Schools

Background and Objectives
DoReMiFa_version1Mental health problems become more common among schoolchildren. Anxiety is the most common psychological disorders reported by children and adolescents. Therefore, it is of great importance to promote mental well-being among schoolchildren by involving front-line social workers, teachers and parents. When children’s emotional management, social skills and problem-solving skills are strengthened, they can cope with their daily life problems more effectively, which is important for their mental health. The major goal of this project is to develop a web and school-based mental health prevention and promotion programme to help children strengthen their social abilities, problem-solving skills and enhance emotional health. The overall goals are to reduce the symptoms of anxiety in children, to facilitate psychological functioning and coping skills, and to create a healthy and supportive learning environment.
Major Project Activities
This project designed a mental health prevention and promotion program for primary 4 and 5 students. The program provided students training in 6 modules covering emotional competence, cognitive-behavioural model, problem-solving skills, social and communication skills, empathy, and gratitude. The training was delivered through 8 classroom teachings and supplemented by 11 e-lessons, which provided exercises relating to the in-class training modules concurrently.
In the process of students receiving training, the project also engaged students’ parents in seminars to equip them with skills that may help in dealing with children’s developmental issues and enhancing their abilities of problem-solving and building a support network. As a plan to sustain provision of mental training to students in primary schools after the project ends, the project also built training capacity with teachers in schools.
Professor Paul Yip, Dr. Frances Law
Dr. Paul WC Wong, Dr. King-wa Fu
1 Nov 2013 – 31 July 2015
Quality Education Fund