WeCare Fund Project – Shining Heart

The Education University of Hong Kong
Leung Kwan Cham (Project Leader)
Au-yeung Yuen Kan
Yuen Hiu Yan
Chen Yuqing
Ms. Lee Wai Ping, Pauline
Student Counsellor
The Education University of Hong Kong

Targeting Hall residents of The Education University of Hong Kong, this project aims at enhancing positive emotions, awareness of youth suicide and mental health, and to encourage help-seeking behaviour of hall residents and students when under emotional distress.
The aim of this project is to cultivate a positive and caring atmosphere in campus, enhance positive emotions, increase awareness of mental health and encourage help seeking behaviour among students when under emotional distress. Also, they also hope to nurture hall tutors to be caring individuals, who are willing to help through various mental health promotion activities.
Various activates were conducted, such as “Ed Power Station”, expressive art therapy workshops, and producing and distributing of caring gifts into dorms of each individual hall residents (Angel card, files, drinks, file and card cases with positive messages and help seeking resources). This project also provided a space in the campus to encourage students to share positive message to self and others at the Ed Power Station.