
The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened in Hong Kong recently which there are number of community outbreaks and people are required to undergo compulsory quarantine. The quarantine period may make one feeling alone and depressed, yet you can also turn it into a wellcation if you use the time wisely! Professors and practitioners from the Faculty have joined hands together and prepared a 21 & 14 Day Quarantine Wellness Kit to help you go through the quarantine period in a positive and healthy way.

近期香港新型冠狀病毒肺炎 疫情轉趨嚴重,多個地方出現社區爆發,有唔少朋友都因而需要接受強制隔離,隔離生活可能會令人感到孤獨同沮喪,但同時識得點樣好好運用嘅話亦都可以係一個wellcation!

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